Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Another False Idea-It Takes Money-To Make Money

he idea that it takes money to make money is a false one. This is a common knowledge idea (which are usually wrong).

When you are in the situation of living within a tight expense budget and you do not know anything about any "business model", it certainly does seem like it takes money to make money. It also seems like there is a lot of risk involved.

This whole idea leads most people to believe that investing is risky. In reality, the more knowledge and experience you have, the less risk that is involved and the less money that is usually required.

This is true no matter what business model you choose to pursue. It is all the learning and preparation that take place before an investment that determine the profitability of the investment.

Your level of financial education not only determines how successful your business investments will be but, It is directly related to the quality of people you employee and the businesses you partner with.

Most people have not invested their time into learning about there finances so that is why most people feel it takes money to take money. This belief can lead many people to confuse investing with gambling. Much like gambling when you are relying on "luck" to determine the outcome there is a large amount of risk involved.

Investing is only risky when the person making the investment has no knowledge or experience handling that type of investment. Than the investment may require lots of money and risk.

The less knowledge and experience a person has, the less control they have over the possible outcomes. The less control they have over the outcome, the less certain they are of the outcome. Whenever you invest your money into a situation where you are not certain of the outcome, you are not really investing, you are gambling.

It is important you do not confuse gambling with investing.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Where's The Money? What's Next For Real Estate Investors

Investors who have previously been able to qualify for 100% purchase financing to acquire investment properties are now facing much different conditions in the investor loan market place. Programs for investor loans have literally evaporated under the pressure of the subprime mortgage debacle. Many investors who formerly depended on subprime mortgage programs and ARM loans, are now seeking hard money loans for real estate purchases and rehabs. Demand for hard money loan programs nationwide has steadily increased. Real estate investors are discovering that hard money lenders are funding both residential and commercial investments.

According to Wikipedia: A hard money loan is a species of real estate loan collateralized against the quick-sale value of the property for which the loan is made. Most lenders fund in the first lien position, meaning that in the event of a default, they are the first creditor to receive remuneration. Occasionally, a lender will subordinate to another first lien position loan; this loan is known as a mezzanine or second lien. Hard money lenders structure loans based on a percentage of the quick-sale value of the subject property. This is called the loan-to-value or LTV ratio and typically hovers between 60-70% of the market value of the property. For the purpose of determining an LTV, the word "value" is defined as "today's purchase price." This is the amount a lender could reasonably expect to realize from the sale of the property in the event that the loan defaults and the property must be sold in a one- to four-month timeframe. This value differs from a market value appraisal, which assumes an arms-length transaction in which neither buyer nor seller is acting under duress.

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke who testified Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives on September 20, 2007 regarding subprime mortgage lending and mitigating foreclosures stated, "Markets do tend to self-correct. In response to the serious financial losses incurred by investors, the market for subprime mortgages has adjusted sharply. Investors are demanding that originators employ tighter underwriting standards, and some large lenders are pulling back from the use of brokers. The reassessment and resulting increase in the attention to loan quality should help prevent a recurrence of the recent subprime problems. Nevertheless, many homeowners who took out mortgages in recent years are in financial distress."

Tighter underwriting standards for investors mean that fewer investors will qualify for loans without substantial down payments, generally in the 20% to 30% range. These strict underwriting requirements for real estate investors will also lead investors to pursue more creative real estate funding options such as seller financing, carry-back, and hard money funding for purchase or rehab "fix and flip". While the markets are correcting, real estate investors are already gravitating to programs where they can obtain readily available funding to purchase investment property.

Many hard money lenders are willing to loan up to 100% of the purchase on a property, given the fact that the property LTV is approximately 70% or lower. These lenders are also willing to loan money for "rehabbing" the property and even structuring the loan so no monthly payments are required for 3 to 6 months. These features make hard money loans very attractive to the investor, especially during times when property inventory is increasing and properties can be purchased at substantial values. At the present time, rates for hard money are in the 10% to 16% range and hard money lenders are charging "points" typically, 1-3 more than a traditional loan, which would amount to 3-6 points on the average hard money loan. Commercial hard money loans range from 4 to 10 points. Investor credit may or may not factor into a hard money loan due to the fact that the funding is based on the "hard" asset value of the property collateralizing the loan.

Gary Zaccaria is a Sr. Financial Consultant with on the topic of Hard Money Loanoptions for real estate investing. He has marketed real estate investment training programs for Trump University, Dolf De Roos, Robert Allen, and AD Kessler. More Information –

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Power Of Money

I was watching this movie on television the other day about this man who does whatever it takes to get money. To him money is power. He killed his own brother and even his wife to get what he wanted. This man didn’t allow anything or anyone to stop him.

Money is a source of power and status. People who make a lot of money also have a lot of money to spend. We always considered this to be a powerful people. A lot of money allows people to control other people as well.

Do we as parents realize that at an early age that kids recognize that having money to spend provides them with a feeling of power? It allows them to take control of a situation.

Teens learn this feeling of power from adults when they observe parents showing off their purchases or talking to neighbours about their new BMW. Teens quickly associate money with success and power.

Who are the most powerful people in the world? Bill Gates? President George Bush? Take a look at the well respected business magazine, Forbes. Each year Forbes releases a list of Top CEOs: Corporate Most Powerful People. The list is based on how much money each CEO makes during the preceding year.

Do you know that not all powerful people are rich; some have been very poor. Like our dear Mother Theresa, the nun who worked tirelessly to care for the world’s poorest and most desperate people. She did all these as it came from her courage and conviction and most importantly from the love of her heart.

So does money and power goes hand in hand? Is money powerful? What do we want to tell our teens? Let’s give a good thought about this.

Your teen buddy Christina

Your teen buddy Christina

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Expose Your Money Buttons

Most of the time people are not even conscious of their money buttons. The following questions will expose where your money buttons are.

What is my relationship like with money?

For example, do I think, 'money is my friend', 'money hangs out with me', 'money loves me', 'money slips through my fingers', 'money causes me stress', etc.

What are my feelings like around money?

For example, worry, fear, joy, excitement, etc.

What are my beliefs around money?

For example, money does not grown on trees, money is the root of all evil, rich people are selfish, money flows to me in abundance, etc.

What is my earliest money memory?

This is your earliest memory of the importance, role, or impact of money. Typically the memory had a strong emotional charge to it.

What did I learn about money from my family?

What kind of attitudes do my family have to money, what did they teach me (overtly or inadvertently) about money?

How does saving money make me feel?

How does spending money make me feel?

When it comes to money I should ....

How do I respond when I see images of enormous houses, a BMW or other luxury car, big diamond rings, overseas travel destinations - things that typically have a high monetary value?

What kinds of conversations do I have around money with my friends and family?

What kinds of attitudes do my closest friends have about money and wealth?

How do I explain why some people have so much money and others have so little?

Do I resonate with the following statements?
I deserve to be wealthy
I am ok with being wealthy
I enjoy my wealth
I am wildly wealthy and enjoy whatever I want
There is more than enough for everyone.
I feel good about money and my relationship with it.

What do I want from my relationship with money?

What do I not want from my relationship with money?

What would I do with $20 million?

What would change for me if I had $20 million?

If you felt uncomfortable answering any of these questions, chances are you have exposed a money button. The money button reveals old emotional patterns that were likely burned in to your psyche throughout your younger years. As a result, you would have repeated the same patterns, no matter how uncomfortable or negative, because this is what you learned at a subconscious level to be true about money. The patterns get repeated and worn in to your regular thoughts and feelings just like a path gets worn in grass through repeated use.

As an adult you can recognise that you are not getting the results you want with regards to wealth, money, and abundance and are now ready to defuse these buttons and install a more comfortable and positive money button - one that triggers feelings of excitement, energy, enthusiasm, gratitude, and pleasure.

How do you install new money buttons?

You have just completed Step 1 - become aware of them. For the rest of the steps, read my article, "Install new money buttons and feel your way to financial freedom" on my website and at

Subscribe to Compass Bearings and receive updates on my forthcoming ebook, "Aladdin's lamp - your secrets to fun and financial freedom"

About The Author

Cancer survivor Zoe Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass, a personal development organisation that helps busy professionals work less and achieve more. Zoë is the author of ebook Absolute Productivity – a handbook for your personal and professional life. Inner Compass offers practical strategies and solutions to improve personal effectiveness and live an inspired life. We also offer tons of free stuff like articles, recommended books, and links. Sign up for our free newsletter, Compass Bearings while you’re there. Want to live with no regrets? Check it out at

Teenagers- a Great Asset to Save You Money, Time, and Heartache!

When I was a young child I thought that my father knew EVERYTHING. It might have been true in my father's case, but now that I myself am a father (twelve times over) I see that this is as far from the truth as London is from Los Angeles! With the never ending technological and social changes it is almost impossible to be aware of all that is going on. But, do you know what, it really doesn't matter. Vickie L. Milazzo recently wrote in that one of the ways that she grew her business 300% to be worth 12 million dollars was by not only listening to experts but also by listening to $8 an hour employees! Obviously she made the final decisions but she listened to EVERYONE'S ideas. Instead of spending lots of time researching what kind of car to buy, what is the best restaurant in town or even where you should shop, asks your teenagers.

Here are a few areas where they can you money, time, and heartache.

* Big Purchases. If you are planning to buy something expensive for the house, let's say a new dining room set, a new kitchen or a new home entertainment center then ask your teen to ask their friends (if they haven't already) or go on line to compare prices and quality between different brands. Ask them also to investigate which stores in your city have the best service. You'll be saving yourself a lot of time and, if you are like me, also a lot of money. (I usually lose my patience after I compare one or two stores.)

* Home improvements. You'll be surprised what great ideas your teens have to fix up your house. They have seen all types of good ideas at their friends houses and they are not lazy to go on line to find better ideas and to compare prices. An added benefit is they might do it themselves! The other day, after I asked my son how to fix a leaking washing machine he told me that he'll take care of it. He saved me a good few hours and probably did a better job than me!

* Family get togethers. Planning a holiday dinner for the whole family (cousins, parents, parent-in-laws etc.)? I'm sure your daughter will love to help you find new recipes that she heard from her friends. She canalso look through magazines for original ways to set the table. An added benefit you might gain is that since she helped plan the dinner she will help more willingly.

* Vacations. Researching where to take the family on a vacation could take a long time. Your teen can research for you hotel prices, plane schedules and fun and interesting activities in that area. Tell them the time that you are planning to go and basically where and see what they come up. If you feel uncomfortable to discusss with them the financial limitations, tell them to look at different price ranges and then you'll decide in the end. Remember, like all CEO's, you make the final decision. You'll be amazed at the cheap flights and hotels that they will discover. Also, if you choose to listen to what they suggest and it doesn't work out, they won't be able to complain since it was their suggestion!

* Younger children. The area in which they are most helpful is to help you with younger children. As long as you know that they really care about their younger siblings (don't pay attention to their petty fights) then they will help you find out what the younger brothers and sisters are really up to and with whom they really hang out and what they feel is a good intervention. Remember, they understand better than us what, nowadays is considered "normal" behavior and what is bizarre. This can save you much heartache and trips to the school's counselor. Just remember, the younger sibling can never catch on that you discuss him with the older siblings. You have to make sure not to use any information you receive from the older sibling in a way that the younger one will figure out how you know it.

One last word. Don't only listen to their facts and figures and totally disregard their opinions. You surely should decide what to buy, where to vacation, and what to do with your other child but show your teens that you appreciate and respect what they did for you. If you do this, I'm sure, you will probably be pleasantly surprised at how much they helped you.

About The Author

Shevach Pepper is the happy father of twelve children and is a family and life coach helping successful people to utilize their business and leadership skills in their personal life. For more information and helpful tips on family issues visit

Another False Idea-It Takes Money-To Make Money

The idea that it takes money to make money is a false one. This is a common knowledge idea (which are usually wrong).

When you are in the situation of living within a tight expense budget and you do not know anything about any "business model", it certainly does seem like it takes money to make money. It also seems like there is a lot of risk involved (and given the circumstances, I would agree).

This whole idea leads most people to believe that investing is risky. In reality, the more knowledge and experience you have, the less risk that is involved and the less money that is usually required.

This is true no matter what business model you choose to pursue. It is all the learning and preparation that take place before an investment that determine the profitability of the investment.

Your level of financial education not only determines how successful your business investments will be but, It is directly related to the quality of people you employee and the businesses you partner with.

Most people have not invested their time into learning about there finances so that is why most people feel it takes money to take money. This belief can lead many people to confuse investing with gambling. Much like gambling when you are relying on "luck" to determine the outcome there is a large amount of risk involved.

Investing is only risky when the person making the investment has no knowledge or experience handling that type of investment. Than the investment may require lots of money and risk.

The less knowledge and experience a person has, the less control they have over the possible outcomes. The less control they have over the outcome, the less certain they are of the outcome. Whenever you invest your money into a situation where you are not certain of the outcome, you are not really investing, you are gambling.

It is important you do not confuse gambling with investing.

About The Author

Hello my name is Robert but you can call me Bob, a year ago I made a decision that I would not be a slave to money. This is what I learned.

Free - Debt Help RSS feed- no sales junk only helpful content to guide you on your journey to financial independence.

Why Knowing Your Chainsaw Parts Will Save You Money And Frustration!

Chainsaw parts can often present problems in respect to finding the right parts when they need to be replaced and many times, woodcutters can incur unnecessary espense by simply going out and buying a new chainsaw.

Preserving chainsaw parts comes down to good maintenance practices; maintaining and looking after your saw on a regular basis will ensure the vital components are preserved longer and will give you greater service. Ignore general maintenance and it not only becomes expensive and frustrating but safety issues can come into play.

When purchasing a chainsaw, it's good practice to buy from a dealer which provides back up service and parts. For example, buying a Stihl saw from a Stihl dealer means specialist parts shouldn't be a problem when they're needed and the same goes for Husqvarna, Echo, Poulan and so on.

Dissecting a chainsaw's parts means concentrating on a dozen or so aspects of a machine which combine to produce the overall work output. These are some of the parts which you need to pay special attention to during a chainsaw's life.

- Chain catcher...this is a safety part which protects the user from being injured by a renegade saw chain.

- Anti-vibration... vibration can cause undue stress to a user's arms and joints. Anti-vibration systems absorb much of the vibration output ensuring smoother handling.

- Chain brake... kickback is a common concern with chainsaw use and causes many accidents. The chain brake was introduced during the mid 90's as a way of putting an effective stop to the chain if kickback occurs.

- Muffler... noise has always been associated with chainsaw use and the muffler assists in alleviating part of this problem by absorbing a good part of the noise thus having less impact on a users hearing.

Flywheel... this part has a two-pronged benefit as it not only controls the speed of the engine but also has coolant qualities. While powerful, chainsaws are not excessively big machines but produce enormous amounts of power. Heating could be a problem however, flywheels reduce a lot of the heat stress.

Other chainsaw parts include the clutch, decompression valves and throttle valves which all have an important part in the performance of the machine.

Maintenance of chainsaw parts should be done on a regular basis. Sharpening of a dull chain, checking the fuel system and making sure it's clear of unwanted contaminants, checking the chain system for correct tension, air filters, spark plugs and making sure the muffler is clean and undamaged on a regular basis will all help to preserve the vital parts of a chainsaw.

Don't forget, maintenance of chainsaw parts is not just about checking them regularly. When your machine is not in use, storage is also an important factor. If your machine is in limbo for any length of time, you'll need to perform tasks such as draining the fuel tank as well as from the carby line and draining the machine's oil. There are other areas you need to pay attention to which should be listed in your chainsaw service guide. The saw itself you be stored away from the elements.

About The Author

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Save money and frustration by knowing your chainsaw parts! Plus, read the latest chainsaw news and reviews at:

The Principle Law Of Online Moneymaking Ventures

The Principle Law Of Online Moneymaking Ventures

There are two ways to earn money in the real world. Either you will work for a boss, or be your own boss. Working for a boss entails employment of some nature, in an establishment that has some need for the services you could provide. Being your own boss entails having your own business and facilitating the production of some goods or the distribution of some services. Either way, you'll earn your keep (or at least, you should).

It's the basic law of making money, you have to give or render something to receive something in return. When it comes to making money online, it's the same principle at work. You have to give or render something to receive something in return. And yes, you could work for a boss, or you could be your own boss. The opportunities are there in the World Wide Web. The choice is yours. The first question in your mind, most probably, is this: could I really earn a living online?

The answer to that question is an emphatic "yes!" But let me explain, dear friend. I am not referring to some ordinary opportunities that would reward you with measly earnings that won't even be enough to purchase a happy meal. Oh, most definitely not. I am talking about REAL opportunities that would help you earn REAL money in the World Wide Web.

The things you will learn in this series of email lessons would make you realize that the virtual world is just as profitable, if not more lucrative, than offline ventures. Based on my experience, it is more profitable to have your own business on the internet. Case in point: I personally know 34 people who live comfortable lives by working for someone else via the communication channels that the internet has made possible, but I also personally know around 200 people who have made it big online without having to work as much as those who have decided to render their services for hire. By "big," I mean big time big! I'm talking about a yearly gross in the high six digits, if not over the magical 7 digit barrier! And I'm just talking about the people I "personally" know, people I have befriended and people I have mentored at some point. What more the people outside my circle, right?

But first, we must cover the basics. Tell me, what's the common thing that can be observed in any business? The answer, of course, is that you have to sell something. What you will be able to sell would be your bread and butter. It will be the source of your profits. You can't earn if you can't offer anything for a particular market. You may offer them some goods or some services, which they would need or want. This is related to the driving principle of the commercial world: the law of supply in demand. This principle is quite easy to understand. The lower the supply, the higher the demand. This is the lesson I want you to learn: you can't make money from the real world without delivering something, be it some goods or some services. And you can't make money from the internet without delivering something as well. It's the basic business model at work.

Using what we have discussed so far as basis, we could formulate an outline for your online business plan, one that would allow you to cover the basic concepts and advance to more complicated ones. Here are the things you have to learn, eventually:

1. How to find a profitable market.

2. The different types of products you could sell.

3. How to create your own information product.

4. How to create unconventional products that can be digitally delivered.

5. How to come up with products without having to go through the process of creation.

6. How to build your own digital store.

7. The basics of search engine optimization.

8. The basics of article marketing.

9. The basics of forum marketing.

10. How to make a blog work for your business.

11. How to price your product.

12. How to employ novel packaging techniques to make your product highly sellable.

13. Cross-selling and back-selling items for sustainable profit.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that you'd be able to earn an amount that might rival and even surpass what you earn from your day job. The Internet, after all, has always been a secret breeding ground for millionaires. Master the basics we have enumerated above and you will be able to realize the extreme profitability an online moneymaking opportunity can truly offer.

About The Author

Stephen Thomas is the owner of and has been helping ordinary people make a living online since 2003 You can request YOUR own FREE Marketing Tips Newletter by visiting his Site or by sending a blank e-mail to

More Money For Pensioners

If you are dissatisfied with your pension or even
your anticipated pension, and need more money
without constantly working then this could be
your solution, it is not as impossible as it may
seem at the moment.

You need to develop a positive attitude to life
and decide that you will not be put down. Yes you
can do it and here is how to go about it. Now
with this positive attitude to life start looking
at an alternative that is not so easy to dismiss.

First to help you believe in yourself, list down
all things that you can do, list all types of
jobs you have done, the paid and unpaid, and
voluntarily and your hobbies.

This preparation will be the foundation of you
newly to be acquired skill. That skill being the
ability to generate real cash from ebay. Yes you
can make a lot of money but you need to know how
to go about it.

I have some free advice on this on my web site.

You will see lots and lots of adverts for showing
how you can make a fortune working from home only
the good ones give you really free start-up

Working direct from your home on items that can
be sold and delivered electronically by email is
the route to consider. The list from above which
you have created is the key. Because electronic
books (ebooks) sell easily and well on ebay so
this is where you need to concentrate your

So if you to want to look at ebay for yourself
tread carefully don't spend vast fortunes on
packages that offer tens of thousands per week
without any effort. If it sounds too good to be
true, then it probably is too good to be true.

Instead find guides that get you going free of
charge, then if you like what is on offer follow-
through and buy their package.

So Focus your thoughts on the future, the past is
past and cannot be changed, but in deciding where
you want to go in the future, you will increase
your chances of getting there. Always aim high,
and you too can make it a success.

If you want some free advice and guidance on to
ways to work for yourself without spending a
fortune then have a look at my web site.

In the comfort of your own home you can then read
of exciting ways to develop your own ebay income
and only when you feel comfortable with it do you
need to do anything more about it.

This could be the big solution you have been
waiting for.

About The Author

John Harriyott runs Quality Solutions (UK), developing tools for the layman who wants a better life. To find out more on this visit

How to Stop Spending Your Hard Earned Money

Answer these questions:

a. Does your spouse or partner complain that you spend too much money?

b. Are you surprised each month when your credit card bill arrives at how much more you charged than you thought you had?

c. Do you have more shoes and clothes in your closet than you could ever possibly wear?

d. Do you own every new gadget before it has time to collect dust on a retailer’s shelf?

e. Do you buy things you didn’t know you wanted until you saw them on display in a store?

If you answered “yes” to any two of the above questions, you are an impulse spender and indulge yourself in retail therapy.

This is not a good thing. It will prevent you from saving for the important things like a house, a new car, a vacation or retirement. You must set some financial goals and resist spending money on items that really don’t matter in the long run.

Impulse spending will not only put a strain on your finances but your relationships, as well. To overcome the problem, the first thing to do is learn to separate your needs from your wants.

Advertisers blitz us hawking their products at us 24/7. The trick is to give yourself a cooling-off period before you buy anything that you have not planned for.

When you go shopping, make a list and take only enough cash to pay for what you have planned to buy. Leave your credit cards at home.

If you see something you think you really need, give yourself two weeks to decide if it is really something you need or something you can easily do without. By following this simple solution, you will mend your financial fences and your relationships.

Written by of

About The Author

Neil Parnham

Web Design - Programming and Multimedia Services at Digital View

Election 2008 - Put your money on Edwards

There are many prominent candidates in the 2008 election. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Rudy Guliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney are all fighting for not only their parties nominations but also the white house. Who will win? I’ll give you a clue: I did not list the candidate I expect to be our 44th president. Any ideas? It is John Edwards. Now before you roll your eyes and scoff, read this argument. Most people I tell this to think I am completely stupid, until they hear my reasoning.

First, lets examine the fight for the Democratic nomination. The major candidates are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. Currently, Hillary Clinton is the front runner. She has broad support across the nation, which is nice, except that you will begin to see that deteriorate because Edwards will start to gain ground in the south and Obama will clash with Clinton in the north over delegates and donations that they both want. Furthermore, Edwards has a strong base of support in the first primary states, IA, SC, NH, NV, FL. So, as Obama and Clinton divide votes between themselves, Edwards will score wins in early states.

Don’t get me wrong, the idea of John Edwards winning the nomination is not bad for the Democrats. The last ticket to win for the Democrats (Clinton Gore) was all southern. (Obama and Clinton are from northern states). Barack Obama may be able to get more African American voters, but 90% of all African Americans vote with the Democrats anyway! Hillary Clinton has very high disapproval ratings, so she will have a hard time convincing Independents to vote with her. John Edwards is from North Carolina (A southern state), was from a humble background, he is white, openly Christian and has a positive image.

So, we have determined that he will be able to win the Democratic nomination, but what about the general election? Well, quite honestly, the Republican field seems to hold quantity over quality. Rudy Guliani’s wives (not to mention his kids that don’t talk to him), Mitt Romney’s Mormonism, John McCain’s age and position on the War in Iraq and Immigration and the fact that Fred Thompson gave his wife divorce papers, while in the hospital fighting breast cancer. These candidates seem to encourage the reputation of “corrupt conservatives.” John Edwards has a strong marriage, and is in touch with the common American, unlike Romney and McCain.

I encourage all readers of this article to inquire about my argument and debate it. Who do you think will win the 2008 election? Why? Debate it at

Josh Villa

About The Author

Josh Villa owns